we BRIng Joy

We use creativity + culture to disrupt social inequalities; by inspiring individuals, connecting communities + spreading joy!

“AN imPOrtaNT, tHOUghT-PrOVkINg, eNTerTAINinG pieCE oF tHEatRe tHaT EnCOurAGeS AUDIenCEs tO tHINk oUtSIDe tHE bOx”

Flossie Waite, Children’s Theatre Reviews

Rules wE liVe bY

Radical care

We care about the people we work with & for, about the processes that allow things to happen, and how to protect our planet.

Disruptive generosity

This means total transparency. It means collaborative co-creation. And it means structure, not hierarchy.

Stubborn inclusivity

Access for everyone is at the heart of everything we do.

Courageous learning

We won't always get everything right, and when we don’t we promise to learn and do better.

Want to hear more about what makes us tick? Read on